
Posts Tagged ‘One World Religion’

(image source: http://www.discerningthetimesonline.net/interfaith4.gif)

A number of readers have been commenting on my blog about Tres Dias and similar Cursillo-based weekends. One of my major concerns with these weekends is ecumenism.

A reader (Jeremy) pointed out that, on the plus side, some born again believers do attend these weekends; this affords them an opportunity to witness to unsaved attendees. I still have a problem with these weekends though, in spite of this. Read on.

I’ve “narrowed” my position on ecumenism over the years. Growing up, my family and my denomination (Ohio Yearly Meeting of the Evangelical Friends, now EFC-ER) actively supported Billy Graham crusades. I didn’t realize until recent years that the Billy Graham crusades became ecumenical years before, in 1957, encouraging mainline denominations to become involved. (I could give other examples of ventures we were involved in that I learned recently were actually ecumenical – the Billy Graham crusades is the best known example.)

Readers may ask, what exactly is wrong with ecumenical ventures? Let’s take a look at the fruit. Many ecumenical ventures now seem to be morphing into interfaith ventures. Such ventures are extending the right hand of fellowship to Catholics, Jewish people, Mormons, Muslims, etc.

The mainline/liberal end of the “Christian” spectrum is involved even in interfaith ventures with Hindus, Buddhists, etc. And… with Unitarian Universalists (which would include among others New Agers and Wiccans.) Note this quote: “The Unitarian-Universalist Association (http://www.uua.org/) has openly accepted Wiccans through the Covenant of Unitarian-Universalist Pagans (CUUPS)(http://www.cuups.org/).”
Source: http://www.angelfire.com/nv/scharff/wicca.html

Where is  ecumenism and the interfaith movement leading us? Toward the One World Religion, I’m afraid.

It still seems to me that separation (as much as possible) from all ecumenical ventures is always the best position for born again believers. So far, I have not heard of any ecumenical ventures where the born again attendees were able to bring significant numbers of mainline/liberal attendees to Christ. In many of the ecumenical ventures I’ve heard of, the opposite has happened – born again attendees and born again denominations have become more liberal. It seems to me many born again attendees are not well grounded in their own belief system. A similar scenario: born again kids going off to state universities and losing their Christian faith.

Bottom line: it appears to me “evangelism by ecumenism” does not work. Here is a link to many more articles documenting that “evangelism by ecumenism” has been a dismal failure: http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/ecumenism.htm

If readers have heard of a truly “successful” Tres Dias weekend or other ecumenical venture (“successful” as in converting many non-born again attendees), I would be interested in hearing about it. This would be something to praise the Lord for – although as I’ve tried to explain above, I think the facts show that such a success would be the exception rather than the rule.


Unitarian Univeralists (articles in favor of them)

What is a Unitarian Univeralist?

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(blog under construction)

Years ago I took a class, where I learned about the many horrors of the Nazi Germany’s Holocaust. Readers here may not realize that many groups were slaughtered. Besides the Jewish community, other groups targeted were Christians, Gypsies, the unborn (the “hereditarily ill”), the mentally ill, the mentally handicapped, the elderly, etc.

Christians who do not hold to the historic premillenial eschatology (a post-Trib Rapture) seem to be in denial. Especially in America, Christians insist they will never go through a persecution unto death. Yet in our lifetimes we have seen the religious persecution and mass murder of millions of Christians and Jews (not only in Nazi Germany, but in the U.S.S.R., China, etc.).

And persecution is not the only area in which we as “End Times Christians” need to wake up. A wise person once wrote that “those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Thus, in many areas we would do well to study Nazi Germany as an historical model of the coming rule of the Antichrist. This is not “conspiracy theory” – this is fact, this is history.

Brannon Howse wrote an excellent article entitled “26 Similarities Between America and Nazi Germany” (I have reposted this article below). I would like to take Brannon Howse’ article further, beyond America and the Nazis. Why? Because America is no longer the political powerhouse it once was. In my mind it seems the most Antichristian powerhouses are in Europe (Germany, the U.K., the Vatican state, etc.). I believe Howse’ article “26 Similarities Between America and Nazi Germany” could be re-written to apply to any country of the world today – and even to “governmental” bodies such as the United Nations.

Regarding totalitarian regimes, I’m sure Nazi Germany is not the only model for the coming reign of the Antichrist – it is merely the most extreme model. Look at it this way. Assuming the Antichrist is somewhere in the world today, where would he look for guidelines on how to carry out his “reign of peace” which soon becomes a “reign of terror”? He would look to other totalitarian regimes throughout history, studying how they came to power and retained power.

Of course, this is too much for many of us to comprehend, thus these musings are labeled by many as “conspiracy theory.” Why are these things so difficult to envision as being true? In part, because we are not hard wired to think like criminals, let alone the most evil person in the history of mankind – the Antichrist.

Click here for the entire original text of Brannon Howse’ article, which I have  reposted below. I have emphasized certain points by bolding, and inserted comments in [brackets].

26 Similarities Between America and Nazi Germany  

Three Forces Destroying the America We Know

By Brannon Howse

 This article was published in the January 2008 Worldview Weekend Digest … 

Even the most nominally aware person knows all too well that our nation-and the world-is engulfed in a major economic catastrophe. Thanks to the variety of factors at work, some observers have characterized it as the perfect economic storm. [Ironically, this article was written before the stock market disaster in Fall 2008.] Yet this drama is a mere thunder shower by comparison with a far more devastating potential that threatens to wreck not just the American dream but the entire American ideal. If this maelstrom reaches its full power, liberty and justice for all-to say nothing of the pursuit of happiness-will be wiped from the face of the earth.

A perfect cultural storm is developing from the convergence of three forces, any one of which would seriously harm our way of life. But together they portend the near certain doom of the most cherished American values. Socialism, pagan spirituality, and pragmatism have come together over the last several decades to produce a cataclysm waiting to happen.

Socialism imposes the redistribution of wealth and private property through an all-powerful, freedom-robbing central government. Pagan spirituality embraces the worship of nature along with occult practices and beliefs. Pragmatism proclaims that the truth or worth of an idea is based solely upon the results it brings (pragmatists believe that truth is relative, situational, and that a desired end justifies any means required to reach it). All three of these political, spiritual, and intellectual systems have taken a dominant place in the American worldview.


It’s been said that if we don’t learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. There are those who have even compared the rumblings in America today as similar to those in pre-Nazi Germany of the 1930s. While I don’t buy the notion that our government might be ready to establish concentration camps, the storm clouds heading this way have brought ideas into our public policy, laws, and national consciousness that bear a frightening resemblance to what has gone before-in the worst of times. This same collection of worldviews laid a foundation for the atrocities and godless government of Hitler’s Germany.

Adolph Hitler, you’ll recall, established the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. He also bought into what I call One World Spirituality, a merging of the three worldviews of evolutionary humanism, Hindu pantheism, and occultism.

Atheism in America is no longer in vogue among our “intellectual elite.” It’s being replaced by the far more insidious pantheism-insidious because it is more acceptable to the masses than outright disbelief in God. Pantheism is on track to become the dominate worldview in America and around the world in very short order.

Similar Is as Similar Does

Please understand that I’m not sensationalizing when making these observations. First Chronicles 12:32 says men of the tribe of Issachar were called wise because they “understood the times and knew what God would have them to do.” To help you make your own assessment of the situation, I’ve distinguished 26 benchmark issues that clearly define the intensity of the tempest that is nearly upon us. And yes, there are obvious comparisons with the growth of Nazism in Germany. I will point them out unabashedly because it’s only reasonable to say so if something that looks similar to an earlier, dangerous historical parallel actually is similar. After all, storm warnings, by nature, foretell bad news.

As you read through my list, I invite you to understand the times and prepare to respond with a Biblical worldview.

1. In 1935, under Hitler’s rule, prayers ceased to be obligatory in schools. In 1962, The U.S. Supreme Court outlawed school prayer.

2. Hitler eliminated Christian holidays in the schools first by calling Christmas “Yuletide.” Most American public schools now call Christmas vacation a “winter break.”

3. Hitler took Easter out of schools and instead honored that time of year as the beginning of spring. It has likewise become common for schools in America to refer to time off at Easter as “spring break.”

4. Hitler controlled the church using intimidation and threats. A half-century ago, U.S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Baines Johnson, promoted a bill that included an amendment to use the Internal Revenue Service to remove the non-profit status of a church that speaks against the election of any specific political candidate.

5. Hitler enticed thousands of pastors to promote paganism in their congregations. Neopaganism is one of the fastest growing religions in America, doubling every 18 months according to a June 2008 article in The Denver Post.  Many American church-goers practice paganism such as “Christian” yoga, contemplative prayer, and walking a labyrinth. As evidence that church doors continue to open further to aberrant beliefs, a 2008 survey found that 57% of evangelicalsdo not believe Jesus Christ is the only way to God.

6. Hitler was an environmentalist and vegetarian. Marriages performed by the Nazi state frequently included blessings of “Mother Earth” and “Father Sky.” Today Americans increasingly accept radical environmentalism, pantheism, and the celebration of Earth Day.

7. Hitler was fascinated by eastern mysticism. Today an increasing number of American pastors encourage their followers to become “mystic warriors”.

8. Hitler believed in reincarnation. He even convinced SS officers that by murdering millions of Jews and other “undesirables” they were allowing them to get on with the reincarnation process and come back more quickly in an advanced status. Americans increasingly accept the idea of reincarnation as well as good and bad karma.

9. Hitler’s holocaust killed between 8 and 11 million Jews and non-Jews. Americans have killed an estimated 50 million babies since abortion was legalized through the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973. According to a July 7, 2008 article on worldnetdaily.com “An abortionist who claims to have destroyed more than 20,000 unborn children and who once was Hillary Clinton’s OB-GYN says he is doing ‘God’s work’ when he terminates a pregnancy…He admits that abortion kills a human soul.”

10. Hitler killed 270,000 handicapped people through active euthanasia.[1]America and the courts are rushing toward the same with the murder of individuals such as Terri Schiavo. Oregon voters passed their Death with Dignity Act in 1994 and re-affirmed it in 1997. Washington state voters legalized doctor-assisted suicide on November 4, 2008. In December 2008, a Montana judge ruled terminally ill residents of that state have the right to physician-assisted suicide, and “death with dignity” is gaining acceptance in other states as well.

11. By 1938, all private schools were abolished by Hitler and all education placed under Nazi control. There is constant pressure from federal and many state education authorities to require that Christian schools use state-mandated, humanistic textbooks. The Home School Legal Defense Association is fighting numerous battles at any given time to prevent parents from loosing the right to educate their children as they see fit. In August 2008, a federal district court ruled that the state of California university system may choose not to recognize the diplomas-and thereby deny college entrance to-students who attended a school using textbooks that express a Biblical worldview in the areas of history and science (i.e., Christian schools).

12. Hitler prevented dissenters from using radio to challenge his worldview. Many powerful liberals in America have made clear their intent to reintroduce the “Fairness Doctrine” that would require conservative and religious radio stations to offer equal time to anti-Christian, anti-conservative worldviews.

13. Pastors who spoke against Hitler’s worldview and his murderous regime found themselves on trial and frequently imprisoned for “Abuse of Pulpit.” In America, hate-crime legislation has the potential to criminalize Christians and pastors who speak out against the homosexual agenda.

14. Many Christians in Germany justified their allegiance to Hitler through a belief that “Their duty to God was spiritual; their duty to the state was political.”[2]Many American Christians now have bought the lie that their worldview can be divided between the secular and the sacred-the politician has one area of responsibility, the pastor another, and never shall the two meet. Yet the Bible teaches that all issues are fundamentally spiritual.

15. Hitler outlawed the cross and replaced it with the swastika. Today many churches, Christian colleges, and universities have willingly removed the cross from their buildings. Numerous court cases sponsored by the ACLU have required the removal of the cross from public grounds. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that the Ten Commandments cannot be posted on public grounds for religious purposes.

16. Hitler was fascinated with Friedrich Nietzsche and distributed his writings to his inner circle. Nietzsche promoted Nihilism, the belief that life has no meaning, and he is best known for his position that “God is dead”. Nietzsche is presently one of the most widely read authors by American college students.

17. Hitler exploited the economic collapse of Germany to take over as dictator and usher in his brand of socialism. America’s financial crisis has given liberals in both political parties the opportunity to grow the size of government and implement freedom-robbing socialism at lightning speed.

18. Hitler was obsessed with globalism, and many of America’s most powerful political leaders are willing to subjugate American sovereignty to contemporary globalism.

19. Many Germans responded to Hitler by retreating into neutrality. Today most Americans prefer to remain neutral on moral issues that they think don’t affect them personally.

20. On trial after World War II, Hitler’s henchmen used the defense that they had not broken any laws. True, they had not defied the laws of Germany since those had been re-written to fit the goals and objectives of Hitler. The Nazi leaders were nevertheless found guilty because the courts at the time recognized a “law above the law.” Yet now the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected the law of nature and nature’s God by claiming that as society evolves, morals evolve, and so the law, too, must evolve.

21. Calling upon Darwinian evolution, Hitler convinced the German people that purging millions of people was acceptable because of the need to create a pure race; also referred to as eugenics. American students across the board have been educated in Darwinian evolution because the Supreme Court has ruled that creation cannot be taught in our schools-even if both creation and evolution are taught side by side.

22. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood in America became acquainted with the doctors and scientists that had worked with Nazi Germany’s eugenics program and had no quarrel with the euthanasia, sterilization, abortion, and infanticide programs of the early Reich.[3]  Sanger even published several articles in Birth Control Review that reflected Hilter’s White Supremacist worldview. Planned Parenthood now grosses one billion per year.

23. In Germany, pastors often cited Romans 13:1-2 to encourage Christians to obey the Nazis. Today in America, many pastors have a false view of Romans 13:1-2 and have convinced millions that to disobey governing authorities is to disobey God. This poor training would facilitate Christians here doing just as the German Christians did if faced with similar challenges.

24. Germans accepted socialism to avoid pain. Today’s Americans are rejecting capitalism in exchange for government-sponsored “free” healthcare, education, and countless other government handouts.

25. Many Americans accept what I call, One World Spirituality. This is actually an amalgamation of the three worldviews of evolutionary humanism, Hindu pantheism, and occultism. I noted earlier that Hitler embraced all of these.

26. America is rushing toward government-sponsored, national healthcare. We already have a form of this in Medicare and Medicaid. Hitler, too, expanded and centralized Germany’s healthcare system. As Melchior Palyi explained, “The ill-famed Dr. Ley, boss of the Nazi labor front, did not fail to see that the social insurance system could be used for Nazi politics as a means of popular demagoguery, as a bastion of bureaucratic power, [and] as an instrument of regimentation.”

[Following are some additional similarities between America and Nazi Germany:

27. Hitler pressed for the confiscation of guns from Jews. According to Wikipedia, “the 1938 German Weapons Act … effectively deprived all Jews of the right to possess firearms or other weapons.” Today we see a continual pressure for more gun control laws in the U.S. And in the various countries of the United Kingdom today, no one is allowed to carry firearms.

28. Hitler pushed for book burning, destroying entire libraries of edifying materials, while publishing ungodly garbage such as Mein Kampf. In American society today, Christian books are banned from our public school classrooms (in the name of “separation of church and state”). Yet homosexual and occult garbage is allowed in every public school in the name of “freedom of speech.”

29. This article tells us, “In 1938 Nazi Germany passed a law requiring all children to attend public school to avoid “the emergence of parallel societies based on separate philosophical convictions.”” This same article tells us that today the U.S. government is under pressure from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) to discourage homeschooling.]

If the church in Germany had truly acted like the Church of Jesus Christ, if Christians had understood and lived out a Biblical worldview, Germany would never have accepted Hitler. I believe he would have been rejected and overthrown within weeks of his true worldview coming to light.

Most American church members today are simply reflect the culture instead of correcting and changing it. If we are to quiet the brewing storm, apathy, political correctness, and intellectual laziness must be replaced with a passion for Biblical truth, sound reasoning, logic, and the desire to lead.

Becoming a leader does not mean you must be on the radio, give speeches, or even stand up in front of a group. An effective influencer leads through his or her actions and lifestyle. Lovingly defending and proclaiming truth in a world bent on  political correctness is being a leader. Even in private conversation, leadership can take the form of lovingly correcting someone’s false beliefs or ideas.

America needs Christians now more than ever to take the lead. If not, the perfect storm is ready, and annihilation is what it portends.

Holocaust Museum Unveils New Eugenics Exhibit by Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express, April 22, 2004.

[2] Dr. Irwin Lutzer, Hitler’s Cross, (Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1995) p. 111.

[3] George Grant, The Family Under Siege: What the New Social Engineers Have in Mind for You and Your Children (Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1994), p 62.

FOR FURTHER READING [I located these resources, and am adding them to my reposting of Brannon Howse’ article]




This is the Hand of God, Yet, They Repented Not

To Understand The Coming Antichrist, You Must Understand Adolf Hitler — The Ultimate “Type” Of The Coming False Messiah

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(revised 12/12/13)

When addressing evangelicals, Emergents like Brian McLaren and Leonard Sweet discuss topics like ecumenism, Catholicism, and “big tent Christianity.” Yet elsewhere they reveal their true goals, openly endorsing the Interfaith Movement/Interspirituality and the One World Religion (which will eventually become the one world religion of the Antichrist). Demonically deceptive.

The following seems to be the strategy most commonly used by Emergents in destroying evangelicals (particularly the youth):

Step 1) Introduce evangelicals to the devotional writings of heretical so-called Christians throughout the ages. Use the endorsements by numerous born again Christians to persuade evangelicals that these heretics are acceptable. One such born again Christian who nievely quoted nonchristian heretics in more innocent times (before the advent of Spiritual Formation) was A.W. Tozer. Another was the otherwise wonderful Nazarene theologian H. Orton Wiley, who wrote:

The literature of devotion which makes the greatest and most direct contribution to the spiritual life has been built up from the rich spiritual experiences of the saints in all ages… Among the devotional writers, whose works have been generally accepted [emphasis mine] throughout the church, may be mentioned the following: Thomas a Kempis, The Imitation of Christ; Theologica Germanica, first discovered and published by Martin Luther; Francis de Sales, Defence of the Standard of the Cross, and An Introduction to the Devout Life. Among the Quietists we may mention, Molinos, Spiritual Guide; Madame Guyon, Method of Prayer; and Fenelon, Maxims of the Saints… Among the Friends are the writings of George Fox, Robert Barclay, William Penn and John Woolman. (Christian Theology, Vol. 3, pp. 63,64)

Step 2) Introduce evangelicals  to Spiritual Formation. Specifically, the discipline of contemplative prayer – which technically is not prayer but occultish contemplative spirituality.  Richard Foster, influenced by “Catholic Buddhist” Thomas Merton and others, built upon the writings of the devotional heretics mentioned in Step 1 above, popularizing  his unique occult perversion of biblically sound prayer practices.

Step 3) Introduce evangelicals to the contemplative practices and sacraments of Roman Catholicism specifically. Persuade evangelicals to accept Catholics as being “born again Christians” (even though, in reality, Catholics hate the term “born again”).

In this 3-part series of articles, Richard Bennett discusses Emergent Brian McLaren’s emphasis on Catholicism: http://www.the-highway.com/emergentchurch1_Bennett.html (Click on “next” at the bottom to go to the second, then third article.)

In part 2 of the series Bennett says:

“McLaren is at no loss to demonstrate how his “emergent thinking” works. The object of his book [A Generous Orthodoxy] is to lump all Protestants and Catholics together, which would be the new ring around the Protestant Catholic split, and to move beyond that into Eastern mysticism, which would be the new ring around Catholicism.”

Bennett apparently is contending that McLaren’s goal in pushing Catholic contemplative practices and rituals on evangelicals is not Catholicism itself, but Eastern mysticism, aka occultish contemplative prayer/ contemplative spirituality).

Step 4) Introduce evangelicals to the contemplative practices of other religions as well as the New Age movement (labyrinth prayer, for example).

Step 5) Introduce evangelicals to the Interfaith Movement/ Interspirituality. Several examples: The Taize pilgrimage and the Wild Goose Festival. Note – the “theology” of the Interfaith Movement is very similar to the “theology” of Unitarian Universalism.

At first evangelicals were fellowshipping with Catholics. Then we made the interfaith jump to establish ties with Jewish groups as well. Now we are dialoguing  with Islam organizations. What’s next? Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. etc.? Unfortunately, according to End Times prophecy, this is coming.

Step 6 Introduce evangelicals to the teachings of Brian McLaren, Leonard Sweet, Phyllis Tickle and other Emergent/ Emergence leaders regarding the One World Religion (which will eventually become the one world religion of the Antichrist).


The Emergent Church Teaches One World Religion!

The Goal of the Journey – to be one

New Age Sympathizer Leonard Sweet to Speak at Seventh Day Adventist Conference

One Lie to Rule Them All (includes links to many additional articles about the Interfaith Movement)

Shane Hipps,  Co-Pastor With Rob Bell, Says All Religions Valid

ADDENDUM – Involvement in the Interfaith Movement by Roman Catholics, Evangelicals, etc.

Personally, I do not believe postmoderns (Emerging/Emergent/Emergence leaders) are pulling us back to a pre-modern form of Roman Catholicism. That being said, it’s actually a win-win situation for postmoderns to push Catholic contemplative practices and sacraments on evangelical denominations. Why? Because Roman Catholicism itself “ain’t what it used to be.” As you probably are aware, there is a huge emphasis at the highest level of Roman Catholicism on the Interfaith Movement.

In light of End Times prophecy, the Interfaith movement in my mind is where the real danger lies. And yes, I would say Roman Catholicism is the most power proponent of the Interfaith Movement. Here’s an interesting article about the jump from Ecumenical to Interfaitlh. And guess who is a major playor?  Catholicism: http://www.letusreason.org/Emerge10.htm

There are also other major players:

Interfaith ventures by the National Association of Evangelicals:

Interfaith ventures endorsed by CotN professor Dean Blevins http://sadnazarene.wordpress.com/2010/01/20/dean-g-blevins-nazarene-theological-seminary-religious-education-association-north-american-interfaith-network-youthfront-nain-rea-john-1518-20-18-if-the-world-hates-you-you-know-that-it/

Interfaith venures endorsed by Nazarene Theological Seminary: http://reformednazarene.wordpress.com/2011/12/13/does-nazarene-theological-seminary-support-the-interfaith-movement/

Another link – the United Religions Initiative: http://www.cuttingedge.org/News/n1094.cfm

And a good Christian response to the Interfaith movement: http://www.focusonthefamily.com/faith/christian_worldview/why_is_a_christian_worldview_important/when_no_one_is_wrong.aspx

And yet another discernment article that mentions Catholicism and other interfaith ventures: http://www.wordconnect.org/page_article14.php

The history of the Interfaith Movement: http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/forcing-change/11/interfaith.htm

An expose of Interfaith “rules of conduct” for promoting conversions: http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/forcing-change/11/10-commission-pluralism.htm

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(revised 02/05/14)

Click here for the source of the above collage. Also, for Windows users – if you would like to zoom in on the above collage, click CTRL-PLUS on your keyboard (and CTRL-MINUS to zoom out).

I’ve been struck lately by how many evangelical colleges, seminaries and denominations are falling into Spiritual Formation, as well as Emerging/Emergent/Emergence teachings. In fact, every accredited seminary is now required to include a Spiritual Formation program – click here for more info.  To me it is very obvious that this can be described as a “great falling away” into apostasy. Paul wrote:

1) Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,  2) That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3)  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4)  Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (II Thess. 2:1-4, KJV)

I believe many of the evangelicals currently falling into apostasy will ultimately follow the one world religion of the Antichrist. So what are the stages of this ultimate apostasy?

This is very simplistic, but here are the steps to the ultimate apostasy as I see them:

1) Separatist fundamentalists (they don’t like to use the term evangelical). These are born again, biblically sound Christians who have not compromised with the world or with heresy. I consider myself as belonging to this group.
another article by David Cloud discussing Separation

2) Non-separatist fundamentalists (also called non-separatist evangelicals,  conservative evangelicals)
another article about non-separatist evangelicals

3) New Evangelicals

4) Emerging Church movement

5) Emergent Church movement

6) Emergence Christianity (with a strong emphasis on New Age spirituality, and “Christian” Universalism ala Rob Bell’s 2011 book Love Wins)
Brian McLaren’s list of Emergence leaders (including himself)
Eric Barger’s article about Brian McLaren teaming up with New Agers (Eric Barger refers to the coming one world religion in this article). Actually, many Emergence leaders are even more openly New Age than Brian McLaren – Phyllis Tickle and Richard Rohr for example.

7) Interfaith movement (with a strong emphasis on New Age spirituality, and with a theology very similar to Unitarian Universalism)

8 ) One World Religion – with a strong emphasis on New Age spirituality, a theology very similar to Unitarian Universalism, and Satanic/Luciferian worship. I believe the Satanic/Luciferian worshippers will be growing in strength and number, but for the most part lurking in the background at this point. There will still be groups on Earth that are resisting the One World Religion – such as separatist fundamentalist Christians (group #1 above), the Amish, “fundamentalist” Muslims, etc. I assume there will also be additional religious groups that will refuse to join the one world religion.
One of many articles by Berit Kjos on these subjects. She has written many articles about the New Age movement, the United Nations, the New World Order, the coming One World Religion, etc. Of all the End Times articles I’ve read, I would say the articles by Berit Kjos are the most thoroughly researched.
A “heavy” Christian article about the Lucis Trust, the United Nations, the New World Order, etc. Check out the accuracy of the links yourself if they sound too “off the wall.” Like I said, it’s a “heavy” article.

9) One world religion worshipping the Antichrist – I believe this one world religion will be purely Satanic/Luciferian; all New Age and Unitarian Universalist teachings will be absorbed into this Antichrist religion. Satan wants to be worshipped as God. So when the Antichrist takes charge, he will become possessed by Satan. When the world is worshipping the Antichrist, they will also be worshipping Satan who has possessed him.

Many religions believe in a coming “Messiah” figure. Of course they refuse to believe in the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet they will have no problem accepting – and worshiping – the false Messiah, the Antichrist, when he comes on the scene.

All those still on earth who refuse to worship the Antichrist will be “eliminated.” Those of us who went through World War II should have no problem envisioning the rule of the Antichrist. Simply imagine a Hitler (incredibly more Satanic than the World War II Hitler) ruling the entire world. All nations will ultimately answer to him and bow to him. This “world-Hitler” will at first seem to provide the answer to all the world’s problems.  Then he will turn against the Church (whatever Christians are on the earth at the time) and the people of Israel. When this “world-Hitler” declares himself as “God” (II Thess. 2:4), his worshipers will eagerly carry out the ultimate holocaust, far, far greater than that of World War II. This will be a persecution that has never been seen before, nor will ever be seen again (Matt. 24:21).

Does all this (or even part of this) sound far fetched to you? Let me just say this. Even Christians experience something called “cognitive dissonance” when they read about biblical prophecy and future events. They believe, in a general sense, that we are approaching the End Times. Yet when presented with documentation that we are closer to the End Times than they ever imagined, many laugh in disbelief.  They view various articles about the End Times as being paranoid, full of conspiracy theories, off the wall. I admit, there are many articles that are not well researched and are off the wall, but many others are spot on.

We are getting closer and closer to the End Times. Looking at the steps to apostasy above, we already see step #7 (the Interfaith movement) in the world today. And yes, evangelicals are getting involved in the Interfaith movement.

Our Lord Jesus Christ gives a word of encouragement and comfort to born again Christians who are ready to meet their Maker (no matter when or how). He says:

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28, KJV).

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